Femara and libido


New member
Lately when I've been "gettin some action" it hasn't been feeling as good, like the sensitivity is decreased ALOT! A few weeks ago, (before I started using femara) as soon as I stuck that sucker in there, it was almost all I could do to not cum it felt so damn good! This worries me a little because I wanna feel that shit ya know!? I'm not having any problems getting hard or anything like that, and I have a normal(which is odd to because as much test that I'm on, it should be raging) libido. I'm just wondering if you all have had the same problems with femara? I'm thinking that is whats doing it because I'm on almost a gram of test a week, GH, and 50mg dbol everyday, so I shouldn't have any sensitivity or libido problems at all. What do you all think?
yep it killed my sex drive like a champ a couple years ago s i never used it again, not worth feeling like a chump in bed

I just started using it, myself.

How much did you use and for how long?

I'd rather have a lowered sex-drive than titties, but do you think it's worth it. I mean, are it's effects pronounced enough to make the trade off worth it or would you be almost the same without the femara?
I would use aromasin or arimidex instead. I was using 2.5mg ed for a week then got off of it. I am back to normal now, tested it out last night! LOL!!
Damn it!

Right now I'm on 75mgProp/75mgTren/50mgWinny ED.

Could i just go 2.5mg EOD for that? I have two bottles of it already, that's why i ask.
If your estrogen goes down to zero, it can affect your sex drive...

I still love femara though; it's waaaay better than adex as it doesn't affect your blood lipids.

I use 1.25mg femara ED on a cycle 1000mg test and 50mg dbol ED. My sex drive was fine, and no estrogen bloating/gyno signs whatsoever. On a similar cycle, I used 2.5mg ED, and my sex drive went waaaaay down.

I'd advise using between 0.625mg - 1.25mg ED for most 'normal' amounts of androgens, though if you're doing like 2 grams of test a week maybe you'd need to go higher...
Archaic said:

I still love femara though; it's waaaay better than adex as it doesn't affect your blood lipids.

Femara does negatively affect lipids.Both arimidex/ldex/anastrozole and femara/letrozole hurt your cholesterol. The way these 2 anti e's work is they inhibit the aromatase enzyme. by inhibiting the enzyme which converts testosterone to estrogen, you reduce or even come close to eliminating estrogen production. we need some estrogen to be healthy. the major drawback to this is without estrogen, your lipid profile gets fucked.