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just curious how many people do abs and how often? my friend told me to not bother doing abs that i keep losing wieght around my stomach on my cycles ...and it will make my stomach look bigger. he says he never does abs but hes been using gear for 5 yrs and me 2nd cycle ...
I work abs every day. if you do em in high reps they will only get harder, and not really bigger. But that last little bit near the lower abs, is usually dieting as well
I do a couple sets of high rep hanging leg raises once a week. I worked abs with heavy ass weight when I first started out and I'm sure it gave me a pretty good base. Now I get the majority of my ab work from supporting my core in heavy lifts.
hardly ever work abs do some leg raises every now and then my abs get sore and worked hard through deads squats and alot of other movements and i have a very strong core.
whats good for lower abs thats where my wieght is ....should i bust out tons of leg raises ... or what other exercise will hit this area
your abs are prob there bro leg raises arent gonna help you burn fat in that area. Thats where your cardio and diet come in to play.
Yup - core exercises work abs - diet and cardio let you see them. (I still work them
a little once or twice a week)