i did 1600mgs of each, i ended it about two months before the test. but i went though a college football camp and 3 games before i got tested, when i got to camp i was 305 when i took the drug test i was 285 because i lost fat from camp, it has almost been about a month and nothing has came back yet.
u are fine, this is how it works, they take a certain number of players, and bring them all in for tests, then they take less then a third of these players and test them.
He's fine, they always called and said if there was a problem within a week or two. They hardly ever look for metabolites, that want to know if it's present at the time of testing. Did they ever warn you guys or was it always a suprise? We were always told a few days in advance.
that sucks man..I am sure everything will be fine.... good luck..