What pinz do you use for GH? Slin?


New member
I went to Wal-Mart and all they had was 30g X 5/16". I am sure it is partly a personal preference, but what size do you all use for GH and for Slin?

OK. If anyone ever does a search on this stressing over what size pin to use, I will now say this after injecting GH for the first time today.

If you have ever injected AS, the GH is NOTHING!! I have not used all sizes of pins for GH, but I can tell you that it was so much easier to inject than AS. The pin is so small wheather it's a 28g, 29g, 30g. And if you have ANY fat on you at all. (And when I say "ANY" I mean ANY). The pin will never even come close to anything but fat. And fat is SOOOOOO much easier to inject into than muscle. I will honestly say, that basically, I did not feel a thing.

Now, barrells are a different story. I wish I would have had a full 1ml barrell to mix the water with.

So I think you need:

One full 1ml barrell (pin size not being that important as long as it's a slin pin) to mix the stuff with.

And any size slin pin to inject with. I would not think you would need a barrell any bigger that 30 units for the injection. And it would probably be hard to really notice the differenct between 28, 29, or 30g.

Any mods or Vets that read this thread, please correct or validate what I have said here. I will edit the post immediately if something is wrong.

I am just trying to put some things out there that I wish would have been there for me to find on a search.
Very cool hostile.
I especially like the fact that you wrapped up this thread with what you found out, the answer/results/whatever. It sucks when you do a search for something and you get a bunch of posts with questions, opinions, but no answers and no clue what the person eventually ended up doing.... :)