Finaplix experation date question


MC Vet
I am about to convert 4g of finaplix-h to injectable, but my fina expires Nov, 2002. I plan on using it (for my cows of course) starting next week, but it will expire during my cycle. What is the deal with the expiration date? Is it going to be dangerous to use or is the fina going to be less potent? Does trenbolone break up over time or something? Should I use it as planned or maybe up the doseage a little bit?

Any information is greatly appreciated... thanks,,,bigjosh
I'm not certain, but I believe expiration dates are based on oxygen and light making the active ingredient in the tablets less potent. I'd say you're fine once you exract it with your kit.
I hope that's the case. I've had my fina in that air tight container and in total darkness ever since I got them which was like ten months ago, so my trenbolone should be in almost perfect condition I'd think. I just put them in vial one and they are breaking up as we speak.... I'll have my fina ready tommorrow morning!!! Can't wait!