Medical Question?


New member
My left nut has hurt for a couple of days. It also hurts just above it in the sack and where the sack meets my abdomen. Now normally this wouldn't bother me but I exzamined my nut closely and it seems like it is a little bit bigger than the other. Hard to tell because i cant hardly touch it because it hurts worse. Just a question if any of you guys have had any hernia problems and how they acted and whether anyone else has had a nut size descrepancy.
BTW I just started last tuesday 600mg Test 400 mg Eq and 35mged D-bol
From my understanding the percentage of men have one larger testicle than the other because of a major vien or something or another is connected to it. I am no medical wiz or anything, but I do know that it is bigger because something runs to it and not the other testicle.
Normally one of the testicles is larger than the other. However, if there is a sudden change in distribution, it could be a partial hernia.

Having a pain is commong throughout a cycle, as it is playing hell on the endocrine system.

If you go to the doctor, i would tell him you took a 1-test stack or something legal.

Remember, anything you tell the doctor ends up in your permant files, and WILL come back to haunt you some day.
Epidydimitis(an infection in the collecting tubules behind the nut) can also begin like this,since it's a sudden change get checked out.