Where would you place the HCG on this Cycle?


New member
-Bulk Cycle #1-

Sustanon (750mg /Week (Weeks 1)
Sustanon (500mg /Week (Weeks 2-9) "250mg Day 1 and 4"
Sustanon (250mg /Week (Weeks 10)
DECA DURABOLIN (400mg /Week (Weeks 1-10) "200mg Day 1 and 4"

Dbol "oral" (50mg /ED (Weeks 1-4)
Winstrol "oral" (50mg /ED (Weeks 9-12)

HCG (500IU /ED Week 5-6)
This seems to be optimal placement for HCG or would "Week 6 and 7"

Novadex (As Needed)

Clomid (300mg for 3 days, 150 mg 4 days then 50 mg for 7 days)
"Start clomid 3 weeks after your last shot"
The reason the Sos is like that is due to the amnount I have of it :)

And Deca are u saying only week 7 and only week 10 or start a two week mini cycle of it at thos intervals! If one week each time works them i think that is the way im going!!!
I do one week each time. With shorter half life drugs I've gone weeks 6 and 9. Here I'd go 7 and 10.
I've done this programm myself and it kept my nutz from shrinking.