green tea vs clenbuterol


New member
grean tea extract taken several times a day burns 4 % more calories during bmr, clenbuterol is 5 %, grean tea is also anti-oxidant and a cancer protector

grean tea is wise choice
that's very interesting. Do you have a link where it states the calorie burning effect of the Green tea extract? What are the dosages?
schmerker said:
grean tea extract taken several times a day burns 4 % more calories during bmr, clenbuterol is 5 %, grean tea is also anti-oxidant and a cancer protector

grean tea is wise choice

Were did you get this info? If green tea was so great we'd all use it instead of other thermo's. I've tried it several times and it's didn't really impress me. Only good as an add-on.
a little piece from an article by an MD

There is one herb that has shown promise in a small-scale test and appears quite safe: green tea extract. In a study published in the December 1999 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers studied the effects of green tea extract on energy expenditure and fat burning in 10 men who took either the extract (which contains caffeine), caffeine alone, or a placebo. The men who took the extract increased their energy expenditure and burned more fat than did those who took either the caffeine alone or the placebo. No side effects were reported.

Green tea extract is available in health food stores in capsule and tablet forms. But bear in mind that although this research is promising, we still don't know whether people who take this extract will really lose weight. Nor is it clear whether drinking regular green tea might have similar effects. For shedding pounds, the tried-and-true method of exercising more and eating less is still your best bet.
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Dont think that its really a fair comparison. If green tea has any real fat shedding ability, it would be at a high concentration take several times a day (like the supps sold at vit shoppe, etc). I dont think it would come anywhere close to clen though. Look at the US market for fat loss stuff. If it was good stuff, youd hear alot about it.