Dry Spells


New member
Just looking for some other peoples views on this.

Why do us men, hit dry spells? Dry spells meaning whatever we do, we are like criptanyte to the opposite sex. Then once we hit a braud they all seem to be able to smell the old juices and want you like a fiend, even if we have Mt. Rushmore on our forehead...l:p

I just don't understand it...:confused: I was in one of these "Dry Spells," and I maybe finally came out of it...."THANK GOD," Time to get back on some test..;)

Maybe its like there bodies have some sort of chemical reaction and can sence the aroma of old sex, kinda like how a women's body can adjust and have PMS at the same time. I don't think that is a myth, maybe you women can elaborate but I believe that to be true, in school I remember learning that...one thing I remember...:rolleyes:

I'll stop there.
If its true, bottle up some Old Sex or Old Spice and sell it. Hey! Maybe thats how they came up with the name Old Spice? I like the term, even if they didn't mean that. I do believe that smells have a huge effect on people on some level. I know I felt that way when I was with my wife, sorry ex-wife. I used to go dog-crazy for her scent (you know which one I'm talking about) and even loved the taste/smell of her saliva on my breath when we kissed.... pretty normal ain't I? :D
well I have not had a dry spell in over a year since my new girl friend came into my life well like a two or three day one while she recouped from the last sexlimpics marathon !
As normal as me...lol

Some company actually advertises they put a chemical in there perfume to sexually enhance the opposite sex...dunno about it though.
To adress the reason why men get the "dry spells" and not so much women, it's 'cause any respectable looking female is going to get hit on - ALL THE TIME. At work, at the gym, at the hot dog stand (especially there ;-), anywhere. Us, as men - we're always chasing. I have a theory (I just thought up right now), doing the stuff we do, makes us expect more out of ourselves - especially the girls be bring home. I'm sure you could get ol' toothless Betty from the local dive to come home and bl0w you, but that's not what you want. Let me put it like this, Fine girls know they're fine. The one's that don't know they are, are already married to that bozo from highschool. Hey, you made me have a fairly complete thought - thanks!
why do i hit a dry spell--cause i am on deca and it makes little sup not want to work right

and rugby is right its all about your confidence (and how drunk you are- hahahahahaha)