Anyone Else Get "Slicers"


I suppose I haven't been getting enough fiber lately, if you care to read on beware. I was on the pot today I sure had trouble getting out this beast. Finally when it was all over I wiped and saw blood. Does anyone else ever get slicers?
I've been getting a lot of blood everyday for the past six months. Could this mean prostate problems or just internal hemorhoids?
Modivius, This has happened to me before and it lasted some time. Not 6 months or anything, but a while. I think you just need some regularity for a while and it will clear right up.
Dude I saw the subject, I was like hmm yeah I get them well actually it is a push and then I realized you werent talking bout golf lol
You should ask your boyfriend to use some lube. J/K, sorry its friday and of course Ive been out drinking.
Internal hemorhoids are very common to body building. First off, youre lifting a crap load of weight. Second, youre blood pressure is frequently higher than normal. And third (or should I say terd), your diet may not be conducive to making nice soft doodies.
BTW, I can never resist a doody thread
Try flax seed oil. You'll be regular and when you burn a mule it won't require pushing so hard and making hemorroids worse. If you can find Uncle Sam Cereal get some and have a bowl for breakfast every day. You won't get bound up, even if you eat a bunch of cheese.
If the blood is red and fresh looking, it is a better chance of not being a serious problem. If you pass old dark looking blood residue, go to a doctor right away.
I've had a few nasty ones I call "rppers" as if they rip tiny shreds in your sphincter upon passage.

The make me feel more alive. Why try to fix them?

Zigg heil!

ziggy b