Help Guys! Pinch Nerv


New member
Whats up Guys!

Hope everyones fine.
Whats good for a pinch nerv on the left side of my back? Cause I have always had it but the other night it got a whole lot worse while I was working out. I only feel the pain when I start to lift weights, especially when I am straining or going heavy. Man it feels like someone is sticking a knife in and twisting it. I iced it out for a while but yesterday night the pain came back, man, I dont know how I still finished my work out.
Any help guys is really appreciated!

THANKS! 1-Test

P.S. Are there any good creams I can use on the market?
You need to let it recover and lay off for at least a few days if not a week depending on how bad it is. Aspercream and/or mineral ice both work well for relieving the discomfort.