After this weekends past show I have been binging on food for taste,lol,

Aint it great to eat brother!!! I love the binging...I am like jacked, I binge for like 2 weeks, and if it isnt tied down I eat it~ So is spanish big and fat and pregnant looking now? lol
No matter how much food she ate Spanishfly could not look bloated. Also you guys both deserve a heaping helping of grub after those performances. Way to represent. One day I might be able to be up there. (If I were stranded on a desert island.)
damn i went on a diet and i wasnt even competing so it wasnt very serious, i binged for like a month after lol im weak minded hehe
Well friends, there's nothing quite like a binge. I love the binges where you don't even care. The binges where you have some thought process about the morbid consumption of food never seem to be as satifying. Mmm.