Packing on muscle after doing a show or 2


New member
I've heard that to be true. As you know I don't compete but I just started a bulk cycle after staying cut and very strick with my diet for the past 3 months. I jacked up the calories and added some low dose T3 to a Deca 400/wk and my own blend of Prop enhanced Cyp 600/wk and have added 15lbs in just 16 days,no bullshit either. I'm using the femara and have had no fluid retention,the gains so far have been more rapid and solid than any prior bulk cycle I've done,and I believe it's mostly because of the rapid shift from being strick eating like a pig again.
I also stay on HGH 3.6U 5on/2off and this is the first T3 I've added in about a year so that may account for some of the rapid muscle gains. My body fat hasn't really changed much either,I'm within 1-2mm on my caliper readings from precycle.
That's a long winded way of saying I think you're going to blow up much more rapidly than ever before as you shock your system and start eating carbs and bulking. I know I've been amazed at the muscle growth I've had so far from the rapid shift from cut to bulk. me at McD's at and 290 lbs, that is great, i cant wait to see it actually....that is freaky size :eek:...
Presser said:
im talking 290 bulky and 250 shredded maybe 240 shredded, not 290 shredded, i think i would die of a coronary

...lmao...i knew what you meant there would have to be a new word for 290, i know
I've heard the rebound effect lasts between 10 and 14 days after a strict cut cycle. During this time anything you eat goes to building muscle. After this brief period, fat accumulation starts again. I'm currently testing this theory out myself.
Yes my boy got fat after his first show, he went out and ate really bad and alot of food and bloated up really bad! Now he eatrs more after a show but doesnt go crazy!

JackedUpIFBB said:
It's true, but it's also easier too put on fat as well :(