atkins diet

Worked great for my boy who tried it. He lost somewhere in the park of 13-16lbs in three weeks. I shit you not, prolly chemistry, he was real strict though. Whenever he would eat carbs, one bite and it would make him full, just from not eating them on a regular basis. He has been off for a couple of weeks now, and says the pounds are coming back fast and he is even watching what he eats. I think it would help if he excercised a little bet lady is startin it and it is alot tuffer than it mom lost 45 lbs about 3 months ago...but when she got off it gained like 20 back....i guess not a bad deal....but i guess with everything else..its a LIFESTYLE change.
We all know how small sample studies are frequently contradicted by others, but Iwas very surprised at the results found with the atkins study. It resulted in more weight loss and a LOWER level of bad cholesterol. I'd like to see the study, it was all over the news about a week ago.
Don't stay on for more then 4-5 weeks, you'll start to loose muscle
Take a break and go to a balanced diet for a week or 2.
I have

lost 15 lbs in two drugs and all fat...lost no strength.

I eat high protein and fat mostly anyway and last time my cholesteriol was checked total was 186...I eat lots of eggs and red meat.

Most doctors have a ridiclulous prejudice against it but it works and makes you healthier too. Get the book and read it.


iF YOU READ THE PLAN IT IS A BALANCED DIET . You just need to stay away from rice, wheat, grains\, and potatoes. Eat meat , fruit, and vegetables. For first two weeks you must limit carbs to 20 grams so 1 fruit a day or 3 veggie servings. Your blood sugar will get under control after a week and you'll feel better.
I lost about 100#'s in 2 years on it. Been on now for about 3 1/2 and am still down about 80 and still maintaining (gained about 15 #'s on my last cycle, :) ) Works like a charm and don't believe that balanced diet crap, keep your protien high and you won't loose anything. Just do a search for "low carb recipies" and you'll find more stuff to eat than you can. GL.
A CKD is geared more towards a bodybuilder and works great. The key to not gaining a ton when you go off the diet is by slowly introducing carbs again, I've done them a few times with success.
my dad went on the atkins diet about 1yr ago. He weighed 305 and now weighs 205-210. He stays in that range and has maintained very well. I went from 230 to 195, but I went off the atkins diet and gained most of it back pretty damn quick. The low carb shit works great but takes much discipline...its really not that bad once you get used to it.
worked well for me... i did it last spring (CKD style) on a cycle and the scale went from 230-200 and i could tell i was actually gaining muscle at the time (there was a distinct visible difference in musculature)

after the first 2-3 weeks the carb cravings go away and its easy from then on out.

my mom tried it and didn't have much success with it until i told her she HAD to eat fats... NO IF AND OR BUTS. if you're not eating enough fat your bodies not going into Ketosis and you won' tlose weight (or if you do very little and possibly muscle)

workouts are a bitch for a while while your body is adapting to it. no energy, no drive, no desire... you just gotta get in there and get it done. after about 3-4 weeks my energy levels picked back up and i was hitting it hard again

i really recommend something like the CKD over straight atkins... your body will need that carbup. i set mine up so that i carbed up friday night and saturday... there were some weekends where i'd put on 8+lbs (mostly water lol) it was funny b/c people would see me friday and then back in class on monday and be like WTF happened to you!!