

New member
Hey fellas,anavar,how many mgs per day and for how many weeks?I am planning a spring cycle with anavar,test prop,tren,and winny,I still need to iron out the doses,and time period.
good question, I will be running it at 40mg a day..for 4 weeks bro....
a lot of people run it at higher dosages, but that is what I will be doing....
30 - 40 mg for a male, divide the doses. Run it for as long as you can afford it or until your liver jumps ships. Actually 4 weeks seems about average.

This looks like a cutting cycle you are doing. Correct? If so how long of a cutter do you have planned. The answers you get may be better if you spell that out.
yes it is a cutting cycle I am planning,I want to run for 8-10 weeks.I just started a bulking cycle so when i am done and rested i will start.
1 more? do u guys think halo would be a better choice?
In my mind halo is strictly a "right before a show" AS. It's harsh on the liver and is very expensive to boot (not to mention extremely hard to find). But it does provide a nice hard look.

Is winny and anavar together okay?
As long as you don't go overboard and run them together at high doses forever. It's a risk/reward thing. Both are 17aa so take plenty of liver supps (ala, nac, tyler and the like).