How to take liquidex.

Depends.. if it was a light cycle.. .25 will suffice.. the heavier the cycle.. the more needed.
Are you bloated bro? I adjust mine to my "bloat". It is very potent shit.

Start with .25 and if you think you need to raise it a little, then raise it a little.
Use .5 mg a day, it wont hurt.....I started @ .25mg then upped to .5 mg and you could see a pretty decent difference in the water retention.
is the .25 ed dosage for the 4mg/ml or the 1 mg/ml. i was always under the impression that the dosage for .25 mg/ml ed was for the vials that came in the form of 4mg/ml, but i just checked over at and the only one they have is 1mg/ml. does that mean the dosage should be 1 mg/ml ed???