Propinate dosage ?


New member
I want to take a gram a week. I have the loeffler prop at 250 mg/ml. I know some of you are down on loeffler but i have had good results in the past with their products. Is it ok to do 2 cc on monday and thursday or should i spread it out more?
I really don't think you need to do a G a week, you think more is better? Why not do 600 to 800? :confused:
I agree on the 1G much have you done before? I'd go a little higher than the last time and just work your way up. You can get GREAT results on less.
You should start low on your test doses...and then see what kind of results you gain off that, then increase come next cyle and so on! kydquick43...I'd run the prop at 600MG wk...or 150MG EOD!