injecting suspension



From all that I've read, it seems like everyone has a problem with suspension clogging in the needle. Has anyone tried shooting with an 18ga? I wonder if this would keep it from clogging up?
I just finished a run of suspension.

When I mixed it with oil, it shot through a 25g no problem.

But, then I had to stop my fina three days before I stopped the suspension because of the clomid timing. And, I could not shoot it worth a shit by itself through a 25g.

What else are you doing with it? You should mix an oil based AS with it. It will make your life easier.

But, if you shoot it by itself, 22g should be fine. Just don't point the needle downward. Keep it kinda "level" so the powder does not sink to the needle. And I always twist the pin while it's in so the powder does not settle. You will figure it out quick. It's just common sense.
Badgermoon said:
From all that I've read, it seems like everyone has a problem with suspension clogging in the needle. Has anyone tried shooting with an 18ga? I wonder if this would keep it from clogging up?
...never tried the stuff myself, but please dont use an 18g bro...:eek:...that hurt me just thinking about it...
Sully, Not to mention if he hits a vein... It won't stop bleeding right away and you think you've seen squirters.. You ain't seen shit.. Don't use no cannon to shoot with...
Hostile... I was thinking of running some at the beginning of my next cycle just till the prop kicks in. Figure I can get a week or more of "effect-time" on the next cycle that way. If I load it in the same syringe, do I need to mix them some how? That still leaves a few days of suspension only injections. I guess it makes sense to try your suggestion first before moving to the 18ga right away. I just don't relish clogging a needle.
Might also be good for a little boost in case I happen to get together with someone I'm in back in contact with, as long as I don't do it a lot. Don't want to mess up my off time. Would I notice any effect from a one time injection that way?
You can get it in an oilbase that works just as good, shoots thru a 25g, and hurts alot less. Or you can go thru the pain of sterilizing oil an setting it up for every injection. Oil based just seems easier.
K... thanks. This all makes a lot more sense than sticking knitting needles in myself.
BTW, I wonder what size they use when you donate blood, those bad boys look huge.