unorthodox exercises


New member
would like to know if anyone does any exercises that are out of the norme like for tris i know this guy who at the end of his tri work out takes the straight bar for the cable machine grabs it behind his back a lil closer then shoulder width apart pulls up like a reverse shrug then bends his elbows out he has some big guns and is in good all around shape and loves doing this. for me i have scoliosis(cuved spine) so its hard to build my chest so i do push ups with the push up bars but some times i will only use a bar for my left side to get the stretch on the left that side builds slower if anyone has any strange workouts i would like to here get a lil change going see what works and if you have a chest workout for my wet noodle of a chest feel free to tell lol thanks
I don't know how unorthodox this is, but I do pull-ups hanging from towels.
from towels...coolness....very strong then.......I have a lot of respect for's hard for me just to do pull-ups!!
I have tried lots of different exercises. My partner likes off the wall stuff I think he sits around and thinks shit up. He got this one from a 600+ bencher he knows. I tried for a few months to build my tris always had prob locking out heavy benches. I had tried 500 but couldnt lock but after doing these I locked it out.

lay flat on floor take a dumbell in each hand, lower them like doing skull crushers (beside your head) let them rest on the floor then explode up and lock out.

variation: lay on bench put box behid it and let db rest on it gives a little more range on motion.
Harvey Balboner said:
I don't know how unorthodox this is, but I do pull-ups hanging from towels.

I like those, I always get smartass comments about them (what, your hands sweat THAT much?). My responce is, "let me see you do them". When they struggle and bitch about their forearms hurting I say " FUCK YOU now go work out in the womans section where you belong!!"
You guys ever notice if you try something new everybody in the gym starts doing it. Sometimes I just want to do something stupid so they will follow me and i can laugh at them