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Can someone please tell me the difference in avacodo's? I was checking the nutritional value for them and this is what i got.California Avocado's 100grams = 140cals, florida Avocado's 100grams =340cals... How doe's 1 tell the difference???
The california ones are the smaller, bumpy ones. The bigger, smooth ones are the florida ones. I've only had the california (Haas kind) ones - the florida ones supposedly are nasty tasting.
Thanks mate, well anyways what i've been doing is for every 100 grams of avocado i eat i count it as 140cals, cos im not sure what type they are so i do it in between the cali ones and the florida.. The cali ones are 100grams=177cals and the florida ones are 100grams=112.
I believe it's the variety of avocado. The Haas avocado is the bumpy textured dark green variety. I have not noticed this variety being grown in Florida. California also has many other varieties (about 8). I believe the Fuerte is grown in both Florida and California. Stick with the Haas avocado as the meat and taste are superior imo.
