I HATE IT WHEN..........

Fina Addict

New member
stole these from somewhere......

You enter the gym and they're playing some pansy easy listening music station.

You go to the water fountain and some beast in a leotard from aerobics hogs the water fountain for five minutes filling up his/her water bottle with all the cold water.

The gym has only two benches, one curl bar, etc.

Some idiot hogs what little equipment the gym does have (see above) for over half hour doing 50 sets of benches or some other stupid routine.

Some "weekend warrior" moron comes over trying to tell YOU how to lift.

"Big Lifters" walking around with "Lat Syndrome."

I hate it when I see a guy lifting some ungodly amount of weight just to impress somebody and can't even complete one set, and using bad form for the couple reps. Then this same guy wants to give you tips on lifting, when all he is doing is interrupting my routine and spewing bull$h*t!!

Some idiot comes up to me while I'm doing a set of barbell curls and asks me how to get "big" arms. I can't hear him because my head phones are turned up while I listen to AC/DC which puts me in the "zone" so I ignore the bastard.

I hate when some jerk buries the plate you want under the stack of bigger plates or worse yet loads a bar and is then too damn lazy to unload it.

I hate it when a guy is trying to bench more than he can, and he has his little teeny bopper girlfriend trying to spot him, and when he gets into
trouble and a lifter has to pull the bar off because she cannot. Trying to impress his girlfriend....he impresses no one.

I hate it when I visit a glitzy, chrome and mirrors gym, peopled by shiney guys in miniscule lycra shorts.

I hate it when.....some dipsh*t asks if he can "work in" with you on the piece of equipment you are using...and then yaps continually so that your rest interval between sets is screwed up....lift or go home!

I hate when I see a fool bring a couple of girls with him to the gym and try to tell them how to train when he doesn't know how to train himself. I then feel it is my responsibility to tell him how to do the lift right so he doesn't pass dangerous information to the beautiful girls and ruin their precious, innocent bodies.

I hate it when those candy a** trainers walk around the gym trying to police you and make you look stupid every chance they get just so they could feed their ego. You know what I mean? Their usually the ones with lat syndrome.

I hate it when these Rich bastards walk into the gym wearing all the name brand Clothes.....50$ wrist wraps.........200$ pair of shoes, warm up for an hour, then they proceed to use pansy weight then after 1 set they go gab.....I Hate that sooo much.

I hate it when I see guys in the gym wearing their belts ALL the time, wrist wraps, knee wraps and looking like a friggen' mummy. I only use a belt occasionally, and carry it around the gym the rest of the time.

The guy who friggin' rips the bar of your chest when you're approaching failure and thinks nothing of it. When I say - Do you know how to spot? You better think twice!!

I hate the guy who tells me how long he's been out of the weightroom and that's the only reason why I was warming up with his 1rep max. If I don't ask - I don't care!!

I hate hearing a roid head yell and scream on each and every rep of his set...just because your big doesn't mean everyone else in the gym wants to hear it.

2 to 3 guys hogging a whole section of gym grunting, groaning and gabbing while they "attempt" to lift so heavy that even them AND they're spotter can't complete three reps. Heavy means as heavy as YOU can, not as heavy as you and your buddy combined can handle!!

I hate those guys who pose for hours in the mirror,while there's nothing to see.

I hate it when you try to buy a magazine with quality information and they have one good article and a hundred pics of half-naked women!! If I wanted to see skin, I'll buy Playboy!!! Where are the hardcore bodybuilding mags??????!!!

I hate people that come up to you while your doing an exercise (say
military presses) and say "shoulders?" (like they can't tell what your
doing) I feel like beating them senseless and saying you stupid f@*ing
lily ask another dumb question and I'll shove this bar up your a$$!.

Guys who talk to themselves in the mirrors to "psych" themselves up and then can't even to the lift properly.

Guys who do an ungodly amount of weight for straight bar curls and then practically break their back throwing up the weight. Let me give you a clue: you look like a moron doing this and if you hurt yourself I will have no sympathy. So please, take off the weight and try some good form for once

People who make sure others are watching before they start their lift.

Guys who try to give me advice on supplements when I didn't ask for any advice..

I hate smelling someone's foul BO because they were to lazy to take a bath. These are the same d*ckheads who sweat all over a piece of equipment and leave it there for someone else to clean up or lay in.

I can't stand the lonely person that comes to the gym just to hang around and disturb all the lifters....Go to a f*cking bar!!!

King-Sh*t takes half-an-hour doing 10 sets on the leg press, increasing the weight everyset by about 5lbs so that by the time he's finished (grunting and screaming unnecessarily each rep) and he walks away leaving it all there, there's about 200lbs (?!?) and 30 different sized plates loaded on the sled...


I hate broken equipment at the gym. FIX IT DAMNIT!!!

I hate personal fitness trainers who exhaust their clients on one exercise for 30 f *#king minutes so that I can't work in.

I hate it when me and my lifting partner are waiting to use some equipment and the retards that are on it aren't even lifting,they just sit there running there damn mouths,then after just enough time to get me out of the zone they act all innocent and ask "oh did you want to lift here?" OF COURSE I DID DUMBF*%K

I Hate when my partner is talking to other lifter about the f*ckin'
basketball or some sh*t for almost 5 to 8 mins and leave me waiting for him until he will go for a next set.

I hate when friggin trainers watch their clients do an exercise with
horrible form and not even attempt to correct them!

I HATE IT when I see guys in the gym one their cell phones!

I hate when they survey lifters for what new equipment we want like donkey calf or t-bar and then they get another f#$ckin treadmill...

I hate it when the testosterone hogs try to show off with a (supposedly) lot of weight, and then are too weak to put the plates back on the friggin' tree.Pick your sh#t up or go home, losers.

(from Mark Holl) I hate it when I page through a "Bodybuilding" magazine that has 200 pages and come to find out that 120 are devoted to "magic" supplements
and 70 are on nutrition recipes, leaving about 10 pages for actual training. Does this seem a little backwards?

I hate it when physically a dude comes to a gym before buying a membership and inspecting it "to make sure it has the right equipment" for them. Any gym with 10 lbs dumbbells can improve your sorry a$$es!!

Some guy actually says to me, "I could be as big as you if I worked at
it.".... You dipsh*t, a lot of people could be big if they worked at it. I didn't ask you, so don't give me any excuses.

The sudden influx into the gym of fat a$$ cubicle dwellers for two months after New Years (or in my case right before spring break), with all their half a$$ed resolutions to get in shape clogging up all the equipment.

I hate it when someone you KNOW FOR A FACT has or is using steroids denies that they use steroids and claims to be natural.

I hate it when some guy just all of sudden becomes Mr. Hardcore with his stupid clown pants, string tank top, and Otomix sneakers. He spends all his time on machines and money on supplements, and not doing deads and squats where the real men train.

Guys walking around with screwed-up facial expression around the gym after doing just ONE SET looking all hard and serious, occupying the machine while they go on a f*cking stroll - get the f*ck out or f*ck off you wankers!

I hate it when some dude sits in the only power rack and takes their time doing about 12 sets of curls, when all i want to do is do my one or 2 sets of squats, but I have to sit there waiting like a fool. These people should be banned from use of a power rack.

I hate it when just as I'm about to reach total failure and reaching the last rep, some a$$wipe out of the f@cking blue comes out and grab my bar so I can finish it! hey, who the f@ck do you think you are?

Women that walk around in low cut tops with implants that get mad when you stare at their tits between sets - If you don't want us to look,

The same lil geeks that are sure that any natural bodybuilder bigger
than they are is "on juice!!" They KNOW it!!

I hate it when people get all bent out of shape when you load the weights on the bar facing in opposite directions. IT WEIGHS THE SAME!!!

I hate it when some fat guy comes to gym everyday and does wrist curls when they need to be on the bike or ab machine!!!!!!!!!

You're watching your form in the mirror and some bozo or bozette just stands in front of you and doesn't say "excuse me". Or they use some light weights for 100 reps and obstruct equipment you want to use for some real lifting.

I hate it when you're in the middle of a set and someone approaches and starts talking to you. Too bad I've got my headphones turned on full blast!

I hate it when a prom-queen comes into the gym with more make-up than Tammi Baker, dressed in her Gucci freakin' thong, and has just sprayed a gallon of hair spray to secure her "do" and then walks over to me in the middle of my reps and asks loudly "how I manage to workout with so many HOT guys around me?" If you want to get some - go to a bar BIMBO!

When idiots put the damn dumbbells back anywhere they find a hole, so I have to search the rack ( and under it ) for 3-4 minutes to find the other 45# or 35# or whatever.... I mean, how HARD is it?

And the "instructors" (salespeople) wouldn't be caught dead sorting out the dumbbells and plates --- oh, no!

I hate it when your spotter helps you with a set more than is nessecary.The last thing i want is fake progress

I hate it when your spotter tries to pickup women or men when they should be paying attention to you.

I hate it when I ask someone for a spot on the bench and they can't seem to detatch their hands from the bar after giving me my liftoff.

It pisses me off when people fight for the parking spot closest to the front door of the gym for 10 minutes, then proceed to walk inside and get on the stupid treadmill?! Hello?!

I hate it when some bimbo comes to the gym dressed like a hooker and prances around the place trying to get some attention. I'm there to
work, if you want to wear silly little costumes and be in the spot
light then become an actor.

I hate, when those want to be Stong men hang around the bench press and talk about how MUCH they use to lift when they was I high school.

I hate it when some little runt walks up to me and proceeds to inform me that he has a brother that is as big as me, or a cousin that is about two times my size. He can go tell his 400+ pound fat-a$$ cousin that I will be more than willing to kick his a$$ right out of the gym, into the parking lot, and down the street to McDonald's, any day of the week.

I hate it when I open up MuscleMag International and all I see is advertisements for Muslcetech disguised as articles. I shouldn't have to pay money to read Muscletechs advertising brochure.

I hate it when some pansy-a$$ bitch scrapes his knee doing deadlifts or pinches his finger putting dumbells back and then can't finish his workout. Get a damn Bandaid and finish your sets, it's only a little blood.

I hate it when you are in the gym, and you go over to a bench..... and some idiot comes over and says he has one more set... and you have to wait another hour before he's done.

I hate it when I see a f#cking sweatshirt that's been sittin on a piece of
equipment for 20 minutes like it's a hanger or something and then when you throw it in the corner so you can lift, some little pansy looks at you like he's pissed until he realizes he's about to get pounded through the floor into the aerobics class below, where he f#cking belongs!

I hate it when someone who has been reading Flex or MuscleMag for a few years thinks they're now a Professional Bodybuilder.Do the work.

I hate it when I'm pushing hard to pump out that last rep and some
@sshole I've never met suddenly jumps in my face and starts screaming
"PUMP!" as if he's everyone's mentor. I got it under control, Ace.


I really hate it when I'm all set to go, got the plates loaded and
everything, and I go get a drink from the fountain, and come back and
see someone taking all my plates off, and gives me an innocent look and
says, "oh, were you going going to use this?" Why the f-ck was I putting
plates on there a minute ago, dumba$$?

I hate it when some pansy a$$ed moron lies on the floor in recovery mode after an "all out" set of leg extensions or some other isolation exercise. Unless you have just completed a killer set of Deads or Squats and collapse from fatigue there is absolutely no reason to be on the floor. Go home you pu$$y.

I hate it when I have to wait 30 minutes for a squat rack because someone is using it to do lunges with 45lbs.

I hate it when some retard uses bad form on curls so he can lift more weight, and then the jacka$$ proceeds to look at YOU like you're some kind of pansy because you're using less weight even though your shirt is soaked with sweat because you just finished 10 sets of deadlifts and bent rows. F#@K YOU!

It drives me mouth-foaming crazy when I've just finished a set and some brightly dressed abomination waddles up and asks me 'if I've finished with that machine'. Then when I wheeze 'No...cough...Ive still got three sets...cough', he proceeds to pull up a bench and watch! Then when I'm half way through grinding out the next set he starts bloody talking
about he hasn't seen f**king whats-his-name in awhile! Shut your gaping hole! Hello! I'm trying to concentrate here you demented fool! Sod off down to your local sports center with the rest of the lard-butts and leave my body to suffer its pain without my ears having to do so as well

I hate it when some skinny bitch is doing quarter squats with nearly 400 lbs for like 4 reps, and acts like he's the man. Cut the weight in half and do 10-12 reps of butt to the floor full squats.

I hate it when people hog the power racks to use ab straps to do leg lifts.Hey a**hole, they only work your hip flexors. I'm here to squat. Now get off my power rack, go do some crunches, and come back when you're ready to squat!

I hate the bastard leaves a water bottle on the flat bench, a towel on the
preacher bench, a set of wrist straps on the T-Bar, then hogs all of the
machines like a circuit trainer on Crack! BEWARE...I'm gonna throw your junk in the floor and take your machine, BITCH!

AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! I hate it when some guy wants to work in with you when there are about 3 of the same machines open. Hell no you can't work in with me you Nancy punk.

I hate it when gyms take away old, heavy, spot-welded equipment only to replace it with equipment that goes together like a cabinet from IKEA

I hate it when the gym is not open on Sundays or holidays or closes for summer. Let ME decide when I want to take a day-off.

I hate when the wannabe hardcore's watchin' you and a partner tearing the gym apart,day in and day out, and tell they're wimp ass buddies,"he's gotta be juice n' "...

A friend bugs the hell out of you and then asks if they can lift weights
with you. Being the nice guy that I am I say yes (bad move). While at the gym, I have to hear them complain about a hurt wrist or pulled muscle (That they did not have ten mins earlier) just so they don't have to workout or so they can use some pu$$y weight. "Hey Pu$$y I didn't come here to hear you Complain NOW TAKE YOU AND YOUR B*TCH TITS AND GET THE HELL OUT!!!"

I hate when people use the gym as a meat market instead of a training facility. Go to a singles bar ya bunch of jerks. I'm here to workout my body, not on my pickup lines.

You just did squats so intense your about to hurl and your legs feel like rubber bands only to go into the locker room to find some f$#king pig lay out his entire f&*king wardrobe on the locker room bench while he takes a long shower. Hey sh*t for brains, get your cr*p off of the f&*king bench so I can sit before I collapse!

I hate when a guy grabs a dumbbell and goes to the barbell rack and starts doing dumbbell kickbacks, while using the barbell rack for support, blocking everybody else from using the rack.

What ticks me off? 2 things........The huge gaggle of fluffy 19 year old giggling girls who swarm in a
huge mob, taking up a whole half of the gym AND the idiots who come up to me with lips flapping and goofy
grin.....HELLO!! I have headphones on for a reason!!

I Hate when it is my chest day and there is a f*cking line while the squat rack is collecting dust.

I just love gyms that don't oil their equipment. I either go deaf from the ear-piercing shrieks coming from the machines' hinges, or I get a goddamn hernia trying to slide 45 lb. plates off and on their bone dry Olympic bars.

I just finish a set of behind the neck lat pull downs. Some personal trainer tells me I cannot do pull downs like that she knows it will injure my neck over time. Well how much time? I have been lifting for over 10 yrs. and it feels fine. Why don't you leave me alone and go teach #$@&%!* aerobics

I hate the guy who tells you that he used to be able to "stack" that machine.

I hate the skinny nerd guy giving me advice on how to lift that he just got from the muscle mag he is carrying around.

I hated it when they closed down the gym for a damn month, and promised us 2 replace the equipment... I come in after a month when the gym opens, and they friggin have the same old rusty ass equipment, and the only thing they had replaced was the f#kin aerobic room floor.

I got a beef with guys who use the squat rack to do their curls. It's not impressive to see them curling the oly bar with nickles and dimes on it. If you are going to type up the squat rack at least put the big wheels on the bar. But since my gym is full of pussies who don't squat, somebody might as well use the squat rack for something.

It really pisses me off when someone decides to do lunges across the ENTIRE DIAMETER of the gym! It's like there's a 50 foot force field around them.
This one I don't mind TOO much:

...The huge gaggle of fluffy 19 year old giggling girls...

Great post!!!

I experienced this one yeterday:

I hate it when some guy asks you to spot him benching a weight you know he can't lift, and you end up doing a set of bent-over rows!
good post..really enjoyed it......I like to see the girls!!! I just love it when they come in smiling and everything..makes me feel good!!
insulinAL said:
i hate it when i can't reach the back of my head to itch it....anyone else have this problem?

LOL. I'm starting to have problems with neckleces, ties, and washing the back of my head after working arms.

Funny but true.
Exactly how i feel, Damn i coulndn't say it better than that....

All those pussy's in the gym that don't know what they doing there. Fucking morons...... I want to roid rage on them so bad....
I hate it when I see guys in the gym wearing their belts ALL the time, wrist wraps, knee wraps and looking like a friggen' mummy. I only use a belt occasionally, and carry it around the gym the rest of the time.

So tru, one of the places i work out, people wear a belt while doing curls.

good read
funny shit, but so true. Thats why i work out at home. I spent about 3k and have everything i need for me and my buddy to workout and dont have to listen to pussy ass music,or put up with inconsiderate assholes! Expensive, but worth it!
Great post but.....

I hate it when someone you KNOW FOR A FACT has or is using steroids denies that they use steroids and claims to be natural.
I'm half guilty of this. I deny using steroids but I don't claim to be natural. If someone asks I politely remind them that steroid use is illegal and I leave it like that.


I hate it when some bimbo comes to the gym dressed like a hooker and prances around the place trying to get some attention.
My gym should have this problem!
Thats the reason about 5yrs ago i started buying my own equipment.Now i don't wait anymore for the leg machine LOL like in a gym we have ever had to wait for some1 to get thru with legs
Man, I'm guilty of some of that shit - especially the loud grunts when I'm deadlifting 585.....Gotta share a few that I see though
- I asked a trainer to spot me on flat dumbells and although I pushed them for way more reps than I thought possible, I had absolutely no "I'm here for you, man" from the trainer, who was busy gaying off with another trainer friend of his.
- Lat syndrome is huge in my gym. Two guys come to mind, one who had his ass 10 inches off the bench the other day pushing 135(!) who thinks he's the man 'cause he's banging all the middle aged skanks in the gym, and the other who's gut makes him twice as thick as me (I'm 5'11" and 240, kinda thick I guess)
- Nobody puts their weights back in my gym and if they do, it's never in the right spot. Our dumbells are also really loose despite the fact that there's always capable trainers up front doing nothing but drawing on the grease board to illustrate which smoothie is on sale
- Finally, I watched a trainer @ about 175lbs unrack and partial squat 600lbs the other day. Now, hats off for just stepping out with that much weight, but how much muscle do you really build with 4 inch reps??

Aside from that, I love the giggling teens, and the large breasted hookers. Hell, I like all the girls.....with the lack of sex at home some of the heiffers are starting to look good!