
a mock t-neck is alright...but it has to b the right one....i like ripping my collar off my sweatshirt, that is my look :D :D
Um, Turtlenecks? Would you like a nice hot latte' with that? How about a cuppachino with the latest issue of Essence or GQ. I thought this was a steriod board, not the Jeff Garcia fan club. lol
I cant were a turtle neck even if I wanted to. I have no neck. Also I am wit kydqick on this one. I would be laughed at if I wore one.
I think turtle necks look cool on some peeps but for those real short peeps it makes them look like a turtle
Sweaters no... long sleved t-shirts with a turttle neck...yes. I might be a rube :D but they're warm and sometimes that's all I have to wear. I'm getting so I hate having to wear so many layers of clothes. Too hard to move around all day at work, so at home I like to dress lighter.
The only time I wear turtlenecks is when I ski...aside from that the main culprits, in my area at least, who wear turtlenecks are the ass pirates. Nah, just kidding, the turtleneck look for me is just not "it"; shit man, even t-shirts with a tight neck line make it look like my head is screwed onto my shoulders....
morbid316 said:
i thought only fags wore those things cause they do make you look kind of gay

OK, so I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body. :D