sensitive nipples=gyno?


New member
Hey guys, I need your experience for the following;

I am in week 3 of 500mg test eth. 400 mg deca.This week my nipps are becoming sensitive to the elements. Is this early signs of gyno or just part of the game. I have nolva on hand, should i run for 7 days then wait?

Thanks for your response.
Sensative nips can be attributed to allot of things like rubbing excessively on your shirt. Cold conditions can cause you nips to stay hard an they seem to get more itrritated then.

When I have had a gyno type reaction both were associated with pain behind the nipple. Enough that there was no doubt what iti was. I jumped on it right away with the Nolva with no permanate change taking place. I didn't have much puffyness and only a swelling.

It is always safer to take them then to not if you are in doubt so use your own judgement on this call.
