
New member
When my stuff arrived from Researchkits my LIQUID CLOMID WAS FROZEN. It looks like white paste. What should I do? Are you suppose to refridgerate it or just put it in a cabinet or draw? With it being frozen is it still ok? Just let it thaw out? Please tell me what I should do.
bump for you bro.....I think it has just seperated, mine is not frozen but it white looking, I still used it and I am fine....
Let it warm up.... It's the oil that solidifies.... Take saome regular household oil.. put some in a vial and out it in your garage/ car or just outside and see what happens...
I dont get what your saying with the oil --- but if I just put it in a draw and let it sit there for a while will it eventually go back to being Liquid?
man warm some water up, set it in there, and it will go clear, i have to warm it every morning, since it does that.
It's a joke just in case anyone thought differently. hehe haha
I wasn't trying to be a wise ass. I know things can be taken out of context.
Yea.. it will go back to normal... The oil reference was ... I put a fina kit in the garage ... I just happened acroos it last week.. It's been very cold in my area.. The oil looked like lard.. not frozen.. but a super thick gel.. Once brought back inside... turned back to liquid