dostinex dosage


New member
whats the typical dostinex dosage? I thought I remember reading .5 2x's per week.

Also, I plan on using bromo and dostinex, I'm extreemly sensetive to fina. Anyone see any serious problem with that?

And if anyone knows a good place to get dostinex feel free to help a brother out All I can find it for is $131 per 8 .5 tabs

i am assuming that u r gonna use it for "lovemaking"?? :) how long has this been out??are u in the US??
Most people start at 0.25mg 2x a week and increase by 0.25mg twice weekly at 3-4 week intervals if needed. The max dose is 1mg twice a week.

Prez,it's out in the US,Pharmacia makes it. It's a dopamine agonist like bromo but more potent.