solved my workout Problem.


New member
Since my last cycle my workouts really went to shit. I basically quit working out for almost a month. Was as lethargic as I have ever been. Lost most of my size-mostly water I hope. I kept 15lbs of weight but how much is muscle I cant tell. I tried using ECA but I have problems sleeping if i take past noon. Anyway I have started setting my alarm for 4:30 am then taking some ECA Set the second alarm for 5:00. Jump out of bed totally wired and raring to go then. This has done wonders for my time maybe some of you guys can use my trick.
Don't any of you guys have 9-5's like me? Unfortunately I have to make time to work out.

Actually my girl is the one who is nuts she actually does the same thing but she doesn't use the ECA she just gets up.