Testosterona 200 & Stanosus 50


New member
I was wondering. I have a bottle of Testosterona 200 and stanosus 50 what is the correct amount of this to use and should they be stacked together. I was also wondering everytime I stick in my leg it swells up for three days. One time it hurt for a fricken week. I am new at the A.S. so all info will be helpful.
You'll need more than a bottle of each. How many do you have?

I recommend you hit the gluts instead of the quads, it may hurt less. (I also like the delts)
I have 10ml bottle of each. I am not even sure on how much to take, I have heard .5 to 1cc every week for the t 200 but I don't know on the other.
Bro you're going to want and run the Test at 2cc's EW, and for the winny it is usually run at 50mg ED so that would be 1 cc ED.

I recommend you sticking around and asking more questions before you pursue AAS any further.

Do you know about anit-e's ect???

What are you goals, stats, ect?
So should use the test 2x week or all in one? I'm looking for little bit more size right now, but soon i will cut up again. I am a trainer and I know about AS from the technical side, but the street side I don't know very much, like on using and what. I am a little familar with the Anti's e like chrysin over the counte, but the clomid and the other stuff I am seeing I am not to familar. I am having a feeling the guys I have been talking to are blowing smoke up my ass and I think I might have to light a fire up under there's. Thanks for your help.
Cool namer..Latimer..from my favorite movie " The Program" He was cool, however being a newbie in all.....they are right u will need at least 2 bottles of the test...and run 2 cc's a week, go with the glutes bro!!!! and the winny at 50mg every day!! don't forget you antie's?
latimer said:
I am having a feeling the guys I have been talking to are blowing smoke up my ass and I think I might have to light a fire up under there's. Thanks for your help.


How long are you planning on running this cycle, you said your goals were bulking...so some d-bol for a jumpstart wouldn't be bad.

Something like this maybe:

Twelve Weeks

400mg Test EW Weeks 1 -10 (1cc on Monday/ 1 cc on Thursday)
D-bol 40mg ED for weeks 1-4 (Split the dose up throughout the day)
Finishing up w/ winny for weeks 9 -12 @ 50mg ED Then start clomid therapy the following day after your last shot of winny.

Keep some nolva on hand in case of gyno sypmtoms. I would personally run the test @ 500mg for ten weeks/ and if your looking for some decent size run deca @ 300mg-400mg EW for ten weeks also.
Also bro if these guys are ignititing your ass on fire, then more then likely they are also burning a hole in your pocket....SO BE CAREFUL ON WHAT YOU PAY!!! PM a MOD for a price check!!!