Once again here is a Eql question


New member
I know people must be tired of hearing this question and it may still be too early to get an answer. But , here it goes....
Anyone seen any results from eql gear yet, if not thanks anyway!!
It's treating me well. I'm using the EQL EQ & Test Enanthate and front loaded with their Prop. I'm up 19 lbs 4 1/2 weeks in.
Im on the enanthate and qv eq. It hasn't kicked in but should be in the next few days. I get some major swelling from it even cut with eq but hey at doses that high of concentration I guess that goes with the territory. Ill let you know.
my friend is on his fourth week of eql enthanate and is already up 10lbs. another friend of mine who loaded up on it before he left for his further airforce training and, well, over did it. his put on an additional 10 lbs after he already gained 20 from a previous cycle and ended up tearing a pec in training. must be working.
See now I have a problem like that w/eq...my left quad is really sensitive to injects...but all the rest are like butter