need critique of upcoming cycle--HCG needed???


New member
Hi all,

I've never run HCG, but I have a buddy who SWEARS by it.

I'm thinking about using it in two (2) places: Mid-cycle and immediately post-cycle.

Right now my nuts are full-size, healthy and the cycle starts in May, so a long time to go.

Here's my cycle, please tell me where I should include HCG and in what doses.

Weeks 1-3

Sustanon 1000 mg/wk (frontload)
EQ 500 mg/wk (frontload)

Weeks 4-10

Sustanon 750 mg/wk
EQ 400 mg/wk

Weeks 11-12

Winstrol D 50 mg/ed

Week 13-16

Nolvadex 60 mg/day

Weeks 17+

off da gear...shit!

Ok guys, we can see I am going to run Nolva, not Clomid post-cycle, and at a HIGH dose.

Should I include HCG, and if so, where???

thanks bros!!!

Ziggy B