Fina Pellets


New member
i read an article stating that, yes it is ok to buy pellets. i also read that they are no longer made. furthermore, that once the lot of pellets are gone, they are gone. my question is: how long until the lot runs out? years? months? weeks? days? Do i have any time left?
Bro you are good to go on fina carts still....ask around to see which places are monitoring the sale of you got a pm..
fina pellets won't go away until the USDA says so. They are an agricultural product that gives cattle ranchers more yeild per head, which is a BIG deal. To do away with them would take congressional intervention and lots of attention and debate from both sides of the argument. There would need to be some kind of proof of danger to the population...which I am not aware of any debate on that at the moment.
So is it better to buy them off a website (I've done a search and there are many that sell both fina and synovex) or go to a feed store and buy them in person? Does a person need to show ID or proof of owning cattle to buy?