inner quad development lacking

Leg extensions should hit that. Are you doing them now in your leg routine.
I have been for awhile. I've skipped them the last couple weeks because my knee started hurting, and took this opportunity to drop my squat weight a little and go ass-to-the-ground (almost) on squats hoping that would bring them along. I'm definitely a lot more sore on leg days now. I did find a reference that the last 20 degrees of leg presses and extensions hit that, but I'm not sure if it means at the top (180 degrees) or botton (90 degrees).
We have a hack squat machine in my gym, like the last on Ronnie uses in his "Unbelievable" videao, that hits mine like no other. I load up the plates and go as deep as I possibly can, and I'm talkin' calves touching my hamstrings's given me more definition in an area that, for me, is very hard to develop.
I found that since I started doing lunges off a box I've really brought my vastus medialis development up. I stand on the floor with a box about 9" high in front of me. Then step forward with one foot onto the box. My back knee nearly touches the floor. Push back to a standing position using the front leg. Repeat for the other leg. I keep my toes pointed slightly out.
This exercise takes some getting used to if you've never done lunges before. You'll need to learn balance. I do mine with dumbells in each hand.
I would just hit some leg extensions bro....they have made mine grow very well...but just try to prick them!!!! IMO that will make them grow!!!!
God I hate lunges. Might have to give them a shot. I do hack squats, but only go down to slightly more than 90 degrees. I think they have started coming along on the leg extensions, but it's really easy for my knees to start hurting on the extensions. Anyone know whether the last 20 degrees that I quoted above is talking about the 20 degrees when your legs are straightened or bent?

BTW, the super-deep squats and leg presses from this week do have me a little sore there (but my outer upper quads more so).
I think it's when the legs are bent. I seem to feel it more in the vastus lateralis and intermedius when the legs are nearly straight during squats.
Azmodeus said:
I found that since I started doing lunges off a box I've really brought my vastus medialis development up. I stand on the floor with a box about 9" high in front of me. Then step forward with one foot onto the box. My back knee nearly touches the floor. Push back to a standing position using the front leg. Repeat for the other leg. I keep my toes pointed slightly out.
This exercise takes some getting used to if you've never done lunges before. You'll need to learn balance. I do mine with dumbells in each hand.

like box step ups