why am I loosing so much water?


New member
I'm in week six of a enanth/deca cycle. Instead of looking bloated as hell, I look shredded. Instead of the deca filling my joints with water, my joints have never been this dry and hurtfull before! I feel like I have to pee almost constantly, and I do too!

My water intake is what it should be I believe. About 4 litres of water a day, spread evenly. Combined with some 2 litres of milk a day, this should suffice I guess. I take an extra 1g of potassium which should be more than plenty combined with all the whey shakes and my regular food intake. I also take an additional 1g of Mg on an empty stomach, far way from Ca.

Should I try and load some creatine to pull some water in?
What else are you taking?

herbs,vitamins, etc.It sounds like you would have to be on some type of diuretic.Or I suppose it could be internally??People do develop a problem where they pee a lot and require medicine.I see a T.V. add on it almost daily.But,I would guess it is in your diet somewhere.I started taking a lot of milk thistle and now I pee like a horse.I just drink a little more water.
If your not taking winny than who knows. Start using
Glucosamine with condroitin(spelling?) that helps my joints a shitload.
Elmoduplaya said:
Start using
Glucosamine with condroitin(spelling?) that helps my joints a shitload.

Yep, start taking these they should help. Who is the manufucater of your AAS?