cycle advice


New member
Advice on cycle.

Wk 1-5--QV Cyp 800mg (400mg monday, 400mg thursday)
Wk 5-10--50mg Dbol, ED
Wk 1-10--QV Deca 600mg week (monday)
Wk 6-12--Fina 150mg, EOD
Wk 12-14-- Clomid or HCG?????

My question is should I run HCG at the end of this cycle, or will clomid work better?

Currently at 5'11" 220lbs 12-13% BF. I am a fast gainer and diet while using will be excellent. Looking to get to 245lbs. Then go down to 230lbs 8-9% BF by end of July.
Open to all suggestions, not just the clomid vs. HCG.

i have access to more if need be, but figured would run dbol the second part of the cycle to switch things up a bit.
You think I should run Test with the dbol, and Deca, or should I drop the dbol?.
I would use dbol in the first 5 weeks to jump start your cycle, cycp wont kick in for a few weeks. Run the cyp and deca all the way through. Fina can be used but you are taking a chance in getting prolactin-gyno using deca and fina together. If you do use fina I would run it up to 3 days before clomid therapy. Your last shot of cycp should be 3 weeks bfore the start of clomid.

I would concider using HCG, deca and fina both shut most people down pretty hard.
looks to me like you need to do a little more research on that cycle, first thing run the dbol weeks 1-5 to jumpstart your cycle, run the test atleast 10 weeks, your gonna either want to drop the deca or the fina, but i wouldnt recommend running them both at the same time. that is unless you like big titties. i like fina personaly so that would be my choice. either way your gonna need to use clomid at the end of your cycle if you want to keep your gains.
I would look more into something like this bro:

Wk 1-10--QV Cyp 600-700
Wk 1-5 --50mg Dbol, ED
Wk 1-10--QV Deca 600mg week EW
Wk 6-12--Fina 75mg ED

liquidex @ .25mg - .50mg ED throughout clomid therapy.

Then run clomid therapy. First off, how old are you what are past experiences with AAS or cycles?
All though I am not a big fan of running fina and deca together, though lots of people have done it with no problems I don't think its worth the risk. If you do run them together make sure you have some bromo on hand...just in case.

If you're set on the fina, you should maybe consider running EQ instead of the deca.
I would also go with the Dbol weeks 1-5, jump start yourself and would have the liquidex on hand- always better safe the big nips!
run like winnie suggested.
winnie..I'm 32 and this will be my 4th cycle in 2yrs. Just came off a 16 week test/eq cycle and 6 week winny only cycle. The last of the winny was 4 weeks ago.
On your suggestion you got me running Deca/Fina together for 4 weeks?
If it helps I could run EQ the last 5-6 weeks. and drop the deca.
dude, eq would be better in that cycle so you could run the fina too, but youll have to run the eq atleast 10 weeks to get any real gains from it.