ECA ratio question (just need confirmation)


New member
Okay, so I stocked up on my ephedrine (kinda overstocked - heh) matter.
Ive done a bit of research for my final 10 weeks of my cutting, and want that extra boost so I can be at my goal by summer time (May 15).

Basically, I'd like to know how much to take a day because I'm creating my own ECA stack. I'd like to know if my ratio per serving is correct. My research shows
25 mg ephedrine - 200mg caffeine - 300 mg aspirin
Now I can take this stack 2-3 times daily.

I'm currently planning on taking the above stack 2 times a day, then pop 1 more serving of ephedrine before dinner without the caffeine or aspirin). SO PER DAY MY TOTALS ARE:
75 mg ephedrine, 400 mg caffeine, 600 mg aspirin.

Does this seem good? Any suggestions/comments will be appreciated.
I know your ratio is right, as far as frequency, it depends on your goals. I use mine for preworkout. Here is some info.

Ephedrine belongs to the group of sympathomimetics. It is not a hormone compound. First, ephedrine has clear fatburning characteristics. On the one hand, this occurs since ephedrine produces heat in the body (thermogenesis). Simpli-fied, ephedrine slightly increases the body temperature so that the body burns more calories than usual. On the other hand, ephedrine stimulates the thyroid gland to transform the weaker LT-4 (L-thy-roxine) into the stronger LT-3 (liothyronine), thus accelerating the metabolism. The fatburning effect, with the additional intake of both methylzanthine caffeine and aspirin, can almost be doubled. Scien-tific research has shown that the combination of 25 mg ephedrine, 200 mg caffeine, and 300 mg aspirin is ideal to produce a synergetic effect. Those who apply this combination three times daily, approxi-mately 30 minutes prior to a meal, will significantly burn fat. Com-peting bodybuilders have appreciated this for quite some time. Second, ephedrine has anticatabolic characteristics. Thus it is es-pecially useful for maintaining the muscle system while dieting. Finally, athletes often use ephedrine as a "training booster." Since it has a mild amphetamine-like effect on the central nervous sys-tem (CNS) it improves the concentration, vigilance, and the in-terplay of nerves and muscles. For this purpose, 25-50 mg ephe-drine are taken approximately one hour before a workout. The athlete feels an immediate boost in energy which during work-out can manifest itself in a 5-10% increase in strength. Again, also in this case, the effect can be improved by taking caffeine and aspirin (s.a.). it is important to note that ephedrine, admin-istered for this purpose, is not to be taken more than three times a week; otherwise, the body gets accustomed to it and the "boost effect" decreases, and much higher dosages are needed.

Side effects can manifest themselves in the form of more rapid heartbeat, insomnia, tremors (light trembling of the fingers), headaches, dizziness, high blood pressure, and lack of appetite. Ephedrine must not be taken when high blood pres-sure, a severe hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, irregular heart rhythm, or a recent myocardiac infarction are present.