Clomid Strength?


New member
I am officially starting my clomid regimen today (this is my first cycle; three weeks from my last Deca shot and two weeks from my last test enan. shot). I am taking 300 mg today, 200 mg tomorrow (I know, most take 100 mg), and then 100 mg/ed for the next nine days, and another 50 mg/ed for the following 10 days. My strength so far has gotten better since my last shots weeks ago, if anything, and my weight has not really waivered any. Has anybody gotten any strength increases from the clomid though? What should I expect while taking it?
u will lose some size and strenght....just part of the game, keep your diet going bro..and work hard....
MIND OVER MATTER! This is where you separate yourself from the masses bro. Most peopl get weak and accept it because it's normal.... get yourself in the mindset that you are going to push through the adversity and come out stronger for it!
Fuck yes, BStrongBwell! It has been three weeks since my last deca blast and two weeks since my last test shot. I already put on another four pounds since then and I am stronger than ever. I feel great. Regardless of what happens in the months to come, I'm going to be working harder in the gym than before (if that is even possible). Great advice, BStrongBwell.