site injection

And no deca should be shot in the glutes or legs. Deca is a long half life and it of course wouldnt hurt if u did site injections but IMHO do ur shot in glute or side of the quad.

I think it would be fine to do site injects with deca.
Yep, I'm shooting 1/2 cc EQ and 1 1/2 cc enant into my delts every other should be OK
Dude I shoot deca into my delts, bi's, and tri's and quads..I love the feeling.....
I suppose you could say that everything is site injectable, but you will not get increased growth from site inj. deca if thats what you mean. ~3rd
well to an extent it will provide local growth by streching the muscle facia, the same principal as synthol.
I'm injecting deca and cyp in my delts. The only problem is that they are so thick that even heated they are very difficult to get through a 25g pin.
Maybe I should come up with a few more site injection suggestions. :eek: