best way of....


New member
i just ordered a 4g fina kit from researchkits and have enough sust to last for 10-12 wks at 750mgs/wk. this is my fifth cycle and i'm ready to try fina. how should i put this together?
Sustanon 250 every 3 days
75mg tren eod. Since it's you first time.
It's going to be screwy for you because sometimes you'll be doing shots ed, due to the way the two line up. Unless you want to try tren at 50mg ed. However you'll only have enough tren for 40 days, and you want to run sus 10 to 12 weeks.
i don't have to make the tren last the whole 10-12 wks. could i maybe bring in the tren later in the cycle?
Yeah, that's what I'd do. I'd kick start it with my fav. D-bol. If you can get it for four weeks. Then switch to tren after. But that's just my opinion, I'm sure others would disagree.
So it'd be
Week 1-10ish sus 250 every 3 days total 750 mg/week
week 1 thru 4 d-ball 30-50 mg. depends on what you can get
week 5 thru 10 ish tren 75mg eod.