Pyruvate (sp) anyone heard of this


Hardly a Newbie
My roommate was telling me something like this stuff helps burn fat.

He was also telling me about a protein you take to lose fat.

Anyone heard of this stuff.

pyrovate will work for 2 weeks then nada.........on the protien increase protien will increase lbm i.e less fat! ill bet is marketing hype! no go to class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks dpsquat, Yeah i didnt belive the protein thing. And i had no clue on the pyruvate, but sounded too good to be true
Well one of my dudes swears Ephrdrian will kill him, so he doesnt want to take a stimulant. So he bought 50 bux of this stuff. I just want to make sure i know what im talking about.

Thanks everyone