anyone tried

I think you're thinking of winny/suspension, not winny/prop... I've hear good things, but never tried it myself. All the EQL products tested really well, though. Seems like some people have problems with pain with the high concentration stuff, but adding sterile oil to it seems to knock that right out.
Even the EQ added to my QV enant is still a little painful.....QV EQ and QV enant didn't even get sore - but when I switched to EQL's 400mg/ml boldenone I stay sore for a couple of days and there is some localized swelling around the injection site
I haven't really had any problems with the Prop, the Enanthate was a sum' bitch the first week!
currently using EQL pro. Hit the shoulders and my left one hurt last night. Did not get a good night sleep. However this is my first time using EQL and also my first week so I hope it gets better.