Clomid Duration???


New member
It's been about 3.5 weeks since my last test E shot and EQ. I started clomid 2 weeks after the alst shot. My balls came back to there size and then some 4-5 days later. I've still been taking 50mg/day since the loading in the beginning. Should I keep on going for the full 3 weeks? I'm only down 3-4lbs.
yeah, I would finish out the 3 weeks. better safe then sorry after all the hard work of a cycle.
I had some liq clomid = 2500 mg I took the whole bottle. The normal schedule calls for 1800 mg I think over 3 weeks. I just kept taking 50mg ed until it was gone.
You bastards just want me to suffer with that horrible taste! I have to admit, as bad as it tastes, it works.
bro, I'll be there with you in a few weeks myself......not looking forward to coming "off"......*sigh*
Recovery is as important as the rest of your cycle. Don't short yourself.