6-g fina kit ?


New member
The 6-g kit that I received from RKits contained the following:
1-40 ml screw top vial with dissolving solution
1-60 ml sealed vial with oil
1-60 ml sealed empty vial
my delima is when the pellets are added to the solution there is only enough room for about 25-30 ml of oil(in the screw top vial). Is this enough oil to suspend all the tren. Or is it a good idea to set and let seperate, filter then add more oil to the dissolved pellets, shake and allow the remaining tren to suspend in the oil.

Thanks for sharing the knowledge with others.
please explain.

So there is enough oil to suspend all of the tren, then add to the remaining oil.

If not please let me know if anyone has been in the same situation with a 6-g kit.
Like Presser said, you will have left over oil. You add it later, run it through the watman to purge the filter, into the final product.