winny befor cycle and at the end


New member
i was thinking of doing winny 3 weeks befor i start my cycle of prop and eq. i will also be adding winny weeks 6-12 is this ok or will it be to short a period of time should i just save the loot?

are you going to use oral or injectable winny what do you think is the best...? too bad ttokkyo went out of business..they had a 20cc vial of 100mg/cc winny. romper

Edited by choke03- pm me if you have any questions.
inject and i dont need a source thanks lol .mailbox you dont think it will do anything or is it just a may be four weeks. i would like to get a lil cut befor my trip. maybe i will just cut back on diet a lil harder and do more cardio and like you said save the liver and let the booze twist it all up lol.
are you going to use injectable or oral i read oral was a waste of time..and injectable safer..why do you have to inject winny more often because its in a water base? or because of the low dose?
no problem romper you probally should use the edit button and drop that last part your e-mail and pm's may go crazy.
it has a short half life. you have to keep a steady level. and orals are harder on your liver.but i am new at this so would post your ???? for the real bros who can help you out.
slap it does a real nice job of hardening you up but there are some real wicked sides to winny colesteral(SP) blood pressure liver toxicty ect it does really bring the gains of a good cycle out though. Eca cardio and diet will shread you up there bro and keep the bf% low for the beginning of the cycle.
thanks mail will take your advice i know it has bad sides but you know how you get befor a trip lol but i will hold back.
yea I get that way just as the weather starts turning and I know I'm going to be blacktopping with the shirt off Tan and Ripped is the only way to look.