body heat - extra mass


New member
Do those of you who have added some additional mass became more 'warm'? I feel hot all the damn time. Thought it would pass after the cycle ended, but it didn't. Weather is still pretty cold here and I'm running around outside in just a t-shirt and still breaking out a mild sweat.

Any of you experience this? I wish I could have an airconditioner implanted ;).
Yes.....back in high school I tipped the scales at about 165, and then even dropped back to 158 when I started lifting weights and that I'm between 250 and 255, I find that it's much easier for me to break a sweat than it used to be.

Cool for me though, I like cold weather anyway
Yes-It seems the more mass the hotter I am-cool weather or warm weather...then again maybe its the Clen........
Yes I feel warmer now. The slightest physical activity causes me to break a sweat. Even when I am cold just carrying something or walking will cause me to sweat. I used to be 165 and now am 230-235 and sweat so much easier. I do live in Louisiana which is very humid, so everyone sweats here, but I sweat more now than I used to. One thing though about have more lbm is that its easier to burn fat though! I sure wish I didn't sweat so much though. I use drysol deodorant and that shit hardly even works for me...
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