Test Prop for cutting


New member
Why is test prop almost always used for cutting, is it due to the low to none existent estrogne sides which keep all the bloating and so forth down?  If so can test prop used for bulking, I wish someone would get down adn esplain this to me a lil in detail. Thx bro's
So in turn its really the drugs that dont bloat you up that are really used foe cutting correct? Like winny fina prop, the ones that make you hard strong etc? I was always confused to a point, to me there is no cutting steroind that make syou lose weight, they just dont add the weight htat say enanthate or cyp can. Thanks Gear
I think you can cut on almost anything. If you stick to a diet..do your cardio and keep your workouts intense..you will get leaner. With the exception of an obvious few like A-bombs or D-bol.
  I used Prop with Durabolin last cycle for bulking. I am now using it with Tren for cutting. Main diiference is my diet...I ate everything in site last time. This time I am trying to keep my calories between 2500-2800 300-350g of protein(T-3 also :D ) and I am doing at least 30min of cardio ED.
    AAS is not the all fixing power. Your diet and discipline at the gym will yield you your best results. AAS will only enhance what you bring to the table.  :)