end of cycle question


New member
Hey guys, just read Presser's post on estrogen rebound and am wondering if I should continue taking Nolvadex untill I'm through with my 3 weeks of clomid.  I made my last injections on Wednesday (test enenthate-400mgs and deca-400mg) and will start clomid in about a week and a half.  Should I continue to take Nolvadex till the end to be safe or can I stop sooner?  I don't want to have a lot of estrogen and cortisol in my body at the same time.
Also, I'll be doing a cutting cycle in a couple of months (test, eq, winstrol, with liquidex) and would like to know if I need to up my dosage of test or if can I use 400mg/week like I did for this (my first) bulk cycle?
Thanks in advance guys and welcome to the new members, there seems to be quite a few of you.  This is a great board so stick around.
Stop the nolva the day before you start clomid. You should be far enough out from your cycle that you shouldn't have any problems. If your nips get itchy or sore, then start taking it again. Later
on upping the doseages, that you'll have to figure out for yourself.  If 400 worked well for you, try it again...  IMO, I would up it to at least 500, but everyone is different.
I like arimidex post cycle with the clomid and for about 2 weeks post clomid to keep estrogen levels down as natural test rebounds.