IP winny only cycle...?


New member
You guys think i'll see some results from 100mg of IP winny a day? I'm splitting it up in two dosages, 50mg in the morning with breakfast, 25mg at lunch, 25 mg about 30 minutes before the gym. And I DON'T need anyone telling me to add test or anything else to it because I am already well aware that it would greatly enhance the results. Thanks bros. Peace.
have you ever done gear before.. only reason i ask is that's alot for some one's first time.. hard on liver and headaches
Fuck IP Winny! You might grow an extra arm or something. I would stay away from Bathtub gear especially since your only planning on doing that. I could understand if you were coughing up a huge amount of cash and that was all you could afford, but just winny common man. I know hella people that started growing bitch tits from it just do a search for yourself. IP sucks and it's dirty, but it's your body.
I've never had a problem with any of IP's products. If your getting shitty results or dirty gear its most likely because of a incompetant or sloppy domestic remailer/repackaging....(not keeping it clean or watering stuff down)
If your not getting direct from IP you have to make sure you have a standup Domestic remailer looking out for you. That's been my experience.
outside of seemingly weak nolvadex, I've never had an issue with IP's stuff either.  Although I don't think I;d put my liver through 100mg of winny ED, IP's or anyone elses.
50mg/day made my joints hurt. Better throw in some deca.
No complaints about the IP winny here...seems like you might want to check your reseller bro.

I would drop it to 50mg ED...you could even split it up two times ED.  What is your exp. w/ AAS?

This is my first experience. I have been researching for almost a year now. I know most of my stuff. I'm only running 100mg for the first two weeks, kinda frontloading. Then i'm going to cut back to 50mg a day for about 4 weeks. How long should it be before i start to see some results? Let me know. Peace.
There is no need to frontload dude all your going to do is give your joints, and liver pain. Winny is out of yhour system in 24hrs so why would you frontload? Keep your levels constant with any fast live AS both oral or injectable youll see better results that way. If you frontload as you call it you will have less gains do to the facts that your blood levels are going to be of the chart.