DNP acidosis


New member
there is a misconception that dnp causes a loss of electrolytes, especially potassium. this is only half true as you have to consider both intra and extracellular potassium levels. i used to preech supplementing with potassium salt and v8 juice while on a DNP cycle. but this may actually be an extreme hazard especially in people with poor aldosterone function.

dnp has been shown repeatedly to cause hyperthermia, respiratory acidosis, and metabolic acidosis. all these conditions would lead to potassium accumulation in the blood, or hyperkalemia. there is actually still a loss of potassium because intracellular potassium (where potassium should be) is gettting very low, but extracellular potassium is accumulating and getting too high. adding more potassium to the diet of someone on dnp may cause even more extracellular potassium accumulation and lead to more acidosis. this acidosis can cause the person to be diaphoretic (rapid breathing), a symptom seen in people on high doses of dnp. from personal experience even on lower doses of dnp, adding a large amnt of potassium to my diet made me very diaphoretic. adding more and more supplemented potassium or potassium sparing diuretics such as aldactone or mannitol can cause the extracellular potassium levels to rise so high that you go into cardiac arrest.

the problem of a dnp cycle becomes too little potassium inside the cell, but there is really no way to replenish this intracellular potassium because dnp messes up the Na/K pump and any potassium addition would just be left outside the cell where it becomes dangerous. having too little potassium inside the cell will make you feel very sluggish and listless, but do not take any potassium salt or v8 juice to try to replenish this. the only thing you can do is drink lots of water and take some sodium bicarbonate. sodium citrate would also help buffer some acid, but there's nothing you can do about low intracellular potassium levels.

if you want to experiment for yourself, take a low dose of dnp. 3 days later add 2000mg of potassium salt to your pasta and see if your breathing rate increase. this won't be nearly enough to kill you if your dnp doses are low, but will be enough to put you in a state of respiratory acidoses and your breathing rate will increase accordingly.
dbol will also exacerbate this, but i can't imagine anyone taking dbol and dnp at the same time anyway, but i just want to lay it out there just in case.