site injections, bests gear for the job


New member
Thanks to the advertising on spellwin's board I decided to check out this one. They have done a great job. The question is what is the best gear to use for site injections?
I've heard water based gear like suspension and winny work the best and sometimes even prop. I've been in the game for 2 years now and want to bring up some of my lagging parts, especially my triceps. I really don't care to use synthol. Anyone with experience or results?
Site injecting AAS is the same idea as using site enhancment oils. When injected into a muscle, several times, over a short period, they stretch the facia and cause localized swelling. Creating more room for inter-muscular growth as the product is absorbed. All steroids are syntheticly altered forms of testosterone. No steroid can act anabolically on the muscle it is injected into, its impossible. When a  steroid is injected, it has to be absorbed into the blood stream. There it is bound to SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) and albumin. The normal percentages of test (or other AAS) in our blood is 45% bound to SHBG, and 53% bound to albumin. Leaving only 2% at any given time to act on a cellular level, and interact with cellular receptors. These blood proteins (SHBG and Albumin) are very important. They protect the AAS from rapid metabolization, transport the AAS to ALL of the organs in the body (yes, muscle is an organ), and keep the un-bound Test (AAS) at a more stable level. Any AAS not bound first, will be quickly metabolized and becomes useless. When we manipulate our hormones, more SHBG is created to accomodate the increased androgen levels. T3 will also increase SHBG, this is why it works so well in a cycle. The higher the level of bound testosterone, the higher the level that is un-bound and free to act on a cellular level.
So, the reason is pretty clear how site injections really work. Its not the anabolic properties of the AAS, but the volume of the injections! The reason un-esterfied AAS like winstrol and Suspension work so well is, after injection, the active substances are quickly absorbed from the crystals. Even after the active ingredients are absorbed, there are still crystals left in the muscle. After several injections into the same area, there is a buildup of these crystals. These crystals are absorbed at a much slower rate than oils, therefore staying in the muscle for a much longer period of time. Giving more time for muscle to grow in its place as it is absorbed. This is exactly what products like Synthol do!!!! This has been proven with ultra-sound. As a matter of fact, there is talk that ultra-sound might be used to test pro BBers for SEO use.  Hope this helps, later

<!--EDIT|NAPALM1|April 12 2002,12:17-->




Great post...With excellent answer like this we will all benifit.