Call me crazy.....


New member
Just out of curiousity and for something to ponder......I read that if you take Nolva while not cycling anything, It will increase the look of hardness and definition to your muscles (Anabolics 2000).  If this is the case, and Nolva acts similarly to clomid but to a milder degree with regard to getting your testes back online after a cycle.  What would be the result if a person were to take Nolva for a while after you finsh Clomid at the end of a cycle?  Would it help/ hinder/ do anything at all?

How about this one.

If you take Nolva all through the cycle, even if you don't feel gyno coming on, it would result in less water retention.  Some say that you will not get as good gains if you take Nolva, but perhaps that is due only to the fact that it reduces water retention and therefore it may only reduce the "appearance" of gains.  Since you will eventually lose the water retained as result of the anabolics, maybe the addition of Nolva all through the cycle will actually lead to more "appearantly" permanent gains, due to the fact that you lose less water at the end of the cycle.  Any thoughts?

Or finally,

If tribulus boosts natural levels of testosterone (seems to work for me), I'm wondering if it would be helpful at the end of a cycle.  Anyone ever try this before?
Nolvadex makesyou look harder becuse estrogen is one of the main hormones that causes water retention in a healthy male, even in increadibly small amounts. Thats why women retain more water than men do, especially just before and during their period.

The reason it is believed that Nolva reduces gains is because most believe steroids work better with a small amount of estrogen active in your system. Estrogen has been proven in lab animals to increase the concentration of androgen receptors in most skelatal muscles. It plays an important role in glucose utilization in muscle tissue. It is also important to the production of growth hormone in the pituitary gland and IGF1 in the liver. Tamoxifen has been proven to suppress growth hormone levels , in turn, lowering IGF1 levels.
So, estrogen is very important to muscle gain, and use of anti Es will reduce gains slightly. But, the risks of getting gyno, do not outweigh the rewards for most BBers. I always use Anti Es when using AAS, sometimes more than one at a time. I have continued to gain while using them, and will not take the chance of the small amount of gyno I have getting worse for an extra pound or two.

Tribulus does not profoundly raise test levels. Not enough to do much after your natural test levels have been suppressed from androgen use. Clomid does the job, and does it well. Tribulus is a waste of money IMHO for AAS users. Spend the cash on Glutamine to feed your muscles, or Artichoke to detoxify your liver instead. Later