Got a question for all my boyz!


New member
Anavar is used for strengh gain and some mass and almost no water retention and very few side f/x. Very safe to use according to steroid profiles. Well why not use Anavar instead of dbol? Anavar sounds like the SH!T! ttokkyo anygood?
Anavar would be fine on a cutting cycle or someone who wants to make small lean gains. D-bol is for a jumpstart in most mass puts on lbs and strength like crazy...but it also has the sides. You will never get gains from Anavar like you will from D-bol. They are like apples and oranges bro...completely different.
Bro anavar is a weak drug for use by women and children, like mr456 said you could never compare it to d-bol. D-bol is a basic mass steroid. Anavar is only for bridging or to help solidify gains.

p.s. anavar is no less harmfull to the liver than any other oral steroid.
Hey bro,

Some prolies make it sound amazing...but from all the dudes who have taken it, they all seem to say what you just read....simply not that strong, and better for a cutting cycle.
